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C O N F I R M A T I O N--O F
U F O L O G Y' S D A R K E R--S I D E?

From the Ohio UFO Notebook, July, 1993

The following material was originally published in the "Ohio UFO Notebook, Supplement 1-92," July, 1992, pp 11-14. A sighting from Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War detailed in this Supplement, which is not repeated here, was noted in the March 1993 combined "Ohio UFO Notebook and MUFON of Ohio Newsletter." Most of the Ohio MUFON members have not read this material, other than the Saudi Arabian report, and since the Supplement is no longer available, it is repeated here for their information.

There are times when you meet an informant with a story and you just know he is trying to tell you the truth as best he can. If the subject matter cannot be proved either because of its transient nature or because it relates to matters of "national security," the only tools with which you have to judge the informant's story is your assessment of his character and the demeanor by which he tells his story. These tools were used by MORA's Rebecca D. Minshall and William E. Jones. In this instance our informant's character seemed high and his demeanor was believable. Our problem is that we can't check out the person or the story any further. Why? If what we were told is true our informant's life and new civilian job could be placed in jeopardy if we attempt to pursue the story through independent sources. If what we were told is true the proof is buried deeper than we can ever hope to go independently. You can take this story for what you think it's worth. The two of us think it might be worth a lot.

It started out as a lead to an abduction story. Through the lead we met our informant and a relative. We thought the informant, who we shall name Frank, was merely accompanying his relative to our first interview to give support and to help assess our trustworthiness. We learned early in the interview that there is an abduction story here involving this relative. (At this time we don't know much about that story yet - we hope to learn more in the future.) However, it was our informant's story that caught our interest during this interview.

As we talked to these two people for more than five hours, the story came out hesitantly. In the time allotted we only learned bits and pieces of what our informant apparently knows. Some of what he knows is obviously so sensitive that he will never reveal it. He said as much. Other parts seem only partially remembered, as if he may have been programmed to forget. The rest of the story - that part that he seems to want to discuss with knowledgeable people that he can trust - came out as noted below. We won't attempt to make a narrative here because it would not be meaningful. These are the bits and pieces that he told us.

Frank was in the U.S. military; he is now retired. At various times during his career he had access, both granted and accidental, to a lot of information about the government's knowledge of UFOs. So that we won't provide anything that can identify him, that is all we shall say. If that makes the following information less believable, so be it.

Early in our interview he said, "I suppose you know about the missing children." We replied that we had heard rumors of this but knew nothing for certain. He said that children were being taken away to secret bases, mentioning one that is on or near Nellis AFB in Nevada. Some of these bases are underground and are used for genetic studies and other related purposes. Most of the children he believes will never be returned to society, destined to live out their lives in these secure facilities. However, he did say some have been returned to society years after they were taken, most ending up on the street. He does not know why this has occurred. (Note: We don't know if he is claiming that the aliens, the Government or a combination of both is doing the kidnapping.)

We asked Frank about what happens to government connected people who can't handle the knowledge they have been provided about the alien presence on this planet. He replied that many are removed from society and are taken to special facilities where they live outside of our society. Sometimes their families go with them.

Arizona and New Mexico are the current locations for much of what the government is doing with regard to the alien presence.

He confirmed that there are agreements between earth governments and the aliens. There was a renegotiation of some of these agreements in the mid-1970s. The earlier agreements had been broken in some ways. When asked why the 1973 flap occurred and if it had something do with these renegotiations, he replied that the aliens put on this show of force as a negotiation technique.

Frank knows that the Roswell crash occurred because of what he has read and been told as a part of his military career. He did not have to read the book, UFO Crash at Roswell.

There is more in Cheyenne Mountain near Colorado Springs, Colorado than NORAD. The other part of the facility has something to do with the aliens.

There are liquidation lists kept for the purpose of silencing those official people who have worked in some way on the alien issue and who start talking seriously. He is afraid that he is on this list.

He asked us if we had heard about the "Black Report." When we replied no, he said it was a daily report issued within the government that reports on the status of the alien issue from a "worldwide" perspective. (We have since heard from an independent source that a report of this or a similar title is published within the U.S. intelligence community. The content of this report is not known to this source.)

Frank believes that there are three crash/retrieval teams on the east coast of the U.S., two in the middle of the county and three on the west coast. There is a "recon" facility near Ft. Carson, Colorado.

He has heard that there is a government in the U.S. that is "higher than the president." He asked if we remembered President Bush's use of the term "new world order." He said that it exists on a worldwide basis. When we asked if the aliens had a role, he acted surprised. He then replied, "They are the government." When we asked if he had ever heard of the Bilderbergers, he acted very surprised. He said, "Where did you hear that term?" When we answered it was referred to in the open literature, he just shook his head in amazement. It was if he hadn't known that. Several times when we indicated our awareness of things like this he said, "You've really done your homework."

Frank did confirm the Majic/Majestic security clearance classification.

When we asked if some of the aliens looked like human beings he got upset and said he had to go for a walk. He went about twenty feet away and stayed for a couple of minutes. He then came back and said that some did appear that way. He said there heads are shaped differently. From the front the face appears large at the top and then tapers to a jaw more pointed than usually found in humans. He also said their eyes are different. The pupils look more dark behind the irises. Some of the aliens are genetically engineered to look like humans before they are born. Others are changed to look that way later, much like a plastic surgeon might work on a real human.

Frank asked us if the word "thinkers" meant anything to us. We replied in the negative. He stated that the government has learned how to combine the minds of two people. One person will know what the other person is thinking and experiencing, even though they have never met. This is used by the government as a security technique to help determine if someone trained in this method is talking about something that is highly classified. When we asked if he was concerned because he was talking to us, he replied that he wasn't because he had learned to beat the technique.

He stated that there was an actual landing on a platform or flat area similar to the one depicted in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind . Further, with regard to underwater UFO stories, the movie Abyss was very close to the truth. He claims there are underwater bases that are used by the aliens.

He discussed the government's use of "ghost battalions." The Army's Special Forces, the Navy's Seals and a number of other special operations organizations have their public units. They also have other units hidden within the regular service ranks. When a mission is undertaken the people in these units are removed from their regular duty stations and organized in secret. A reason for the individual's absence is provided for the record so their absence won't seem unusual, for example a family emergency. If someone in the regular unit gets too inquisitive, they are taken away and debriefed, i.e. told to mind their own business. These inquisitive people might even be transferred. The people in the special units are not supposed to know where their comrades are officially assigned. They only meet and work together during these special operations. Since each person is unaware of the other person's assignment, this keeps loose talk to a minimum because one never knows if one of the other people might be from the CIA or some other security organization. The special missions may keep people away from their official units for up to sixty days, sometimes longer.

Comment: Could this have been an attempt to place misinformation into the UFO mainstream? Possibly. Objectivity and true skepticism should be applied here. We want to wait until other information comes in before reaching any conclusions about Frank's report.

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