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K E C K S B U R G--U F O--I N C I D E N T-- I N--P E N N S Y L V A N I A

It is hard to believe that it was 57 years
ago that the Kecksburg, PA incident took place.

By Stan Gordon

"I remember that Thursday evening very well. It was December 9, 1965, and I was listening to the Contact talk show on KDKA radio in Pittsburgh. The host of the show, the late Mike Levine, was talking about the breaking news story concerning the numerous reports of a bright fireball that had been observed moving across the sky over a widespread area. Levine was talking about the news wire stories that discussed that sightings had taken place from as far away as Canada, and over states such as Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. He was talking with witnesses who were calling in. Newspapers, radio, and TV stations, as well as police departments were swamped with calls from area residents who saw the fiery object as it passed over the Pittsburgh area earlier that afternoon at 4:47 PM."

"I was 16 years old when that incident occurred, and I already had an interest in the UFO subject, so I began to document the information as it was airing that evening. I had no idea that my search to find the answers as to what had actually taken place near Kecksburg, would continue throughout my life."

Click here to visit Stan's website and read
more about the incident that started years of research.

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